

The Kansas Heritage Center archives is made up of donations of historical materials from our community.
If you are considering donating materials to the Kansas Heritage Center, please know that we would like
to take the time to look through the donation before we can accept it. This gives us the opportunity to
learn more about the donation and to discuss the donation agreement with the potential donor.

If you would like to make a donation and have questions about how donations work, here are some
things to keep in mind that guide what we can and cannot accept.

Subject area: The emphasis of the Kansas Heritage Center archive is Dodge City and Western Kansas,
though we also accept items related to other locations within Kansas. We are more likely to accept
donations with a strong connection to these areas, though donations may sometimes reflect a variety of
locations. The materials should, however, have some connection to Kansas.

Duplicates: We are sometimes offered items that we already have several copies of in our collection. We
already have a comprehensive collection of Dodge City newspapers, yearbooks from Dodge City High
School, and Dodge City Directories. We are more likely to accept donations that are personal or unique
(for example, letters or photographs), and which have a connection to Dodge City and the region of
Western Kansas.

Other Factors: Sometimes the quality of the collection of the type of material may have an impact on
how we handle certain collections. So it helps for us to be able to look over collections before accepting
them to assess the needs of the particular donation.
If you have any questions about how to donate materials, please contact us!

Email: kansasheritage@dcpl.info

Telephone: 620-225-0248

1001 N. 2nd Ave
Dodge City, KS